Saturday, November 29, 2008

[72] Sideways

In 2004, a little film called Sideways came out. Now, before the Golden Globes, I wasn't really aware of this film at all. Director, Alexander Payne, hasn't got a name that is likely to stick into my mind. Although, despite that, I have seen both Election and About Schmidt, both of which are on that poster above. Both of which were great movies, that I enjoyed.

This movie troubles me. I don't know whether to say I liked it or not. I can't say I was able to relate to the characters in anyway, because they had been through things I have not had the chance nor the time to go through. Divorce, marriage, that kind of thing.

The movie is centred around two friends, one of them about to get married. The other one takes this one that's about to get married, on a wine tasting journey. They then meet a couple of women, the one getting married does something he shouldn't have with one of these women, and the plot thickens from there.

It has some quite funny, laugh out loud type moments, although I didn't find enough of them as I hoped for. It gets funnier near the end, but for the most part I just felt that it dragged on.

I will have to give it a 7/10, because as much as I'd love to give it a good approval rating, I don't feel I can at this point in my life. Maybe twenty years down the track I will see it as something else, but at the moment really can't.

Next on the list? Hmm, well I did find No Country for Old Men, but I am also about to go hunting the library catalogue for some to put on hold. At least I've gotten two out of the way tonight, both of which were movies that I have been meaning to see for a while. Blogs are so motivational!

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