Saturday, November 29, 2008

[73] The Great Train Robbery

Back in 1903, I'm sure this film eluded class. It was a magical wonder of their time, something new, exciting, something I'm sure someone said was just a fad, and would never continue on. I know many people said that about television and computers, but they're still going, quite strong in fact.

I was fortunate enough to find that someone had posted this on Youtube. I don't think that's illegal, because I am quite certain the copyright expired a while ago, much like A Trip to the Moon.

This is the second film on the list, meaning it's the second earliest to be made. A Trip to the Moon is the first, incase I hadn't made that clear. This is a film revolving around, as you'd expect, a great train robbery. It was a train robbery performed by Butch Cassidy and his gang. The black and white, grainy film quality makes it hard to tell what is going on. It really does help to either know the backstory behind Butch Cassidy, or to watch the Paul Newman film, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid appears on this list, and I've seen it before. Great film, well worth watching.

Parts of this are quite hilarious. Scenes where people are shot, and a punch-out scene that involves someone being thrown off a train, evoke enjoyment, because after the film quality we see in this day and age, you can't help but laugh.

It only goes for twelve minutes, and therefore it's a winner, so I give it a 9/10, for its revolutionary style, ability to make me lol, and the fact that it doesn't take too long.

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